And class is in session!
Sept. 21, 2022

What's in a Name?

What's in a Name?

    You and I today look at names as if a mere random selection from a baby book.  If you ask someone what their name means, they'll usually tell you they don't know or that it means nothing.  It's just a name.  Yet this is not how the ancients perceived names.

    A name is made up of letters.  Letters spell and that is exactly what the alphabet is--linguistic magic cast out into the world in the influence of vibration.  "Letter" in Reduction Gematria equals 26, just as "spell" equals 26 in Reverse Reduced Gematria, while even the word "God" equals 26 in Ordinal Gematria.  Add all of the 26 letters up and in Reduction Gematria you'll get the number 126.  Twenty-six is the spell and that is the name of the game or, better yet, the game of the name.

    To the ancients, no word and especially no name should be taken for granted.  To them, a name is the spiritual energy given body and form on the material plane, granted the powers of a blessing or a curse and everything in between.  Attaching a name to something or someone wraps its essence in the radiance of tangible existence.  This encapsulates the life force and emanates its frequency wherever uttered.


    A name you'll find sprinkled all over popular culture is Lucy.  Lucy is of Latin derivation meaning "light".  One may notice its similarity to the name Lucifer, which means "light-bearer".  Thus, in essence, Lucy is the feminine aspect of Lucifer.  She is Venus, the morning star; drawer of the pentagram. 

    Just as Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to mankind, Lucifer gifted man with consciousness.  This is forbidden, as God intends for spirit to remain pure and free of materiality that weighs it down into the hells of earthly awareness.  Lucifer, in this tale, passed the forbidden fruit of consciousness through the first woman, as we will see is a theme in the esotericism of Lucy.  Lucifer was in the form of a serpent--the symbol of wisdom, transformation, and the connective energy between realms.  This fruit was given to Adam or the Ancient Egyptian Atum or, as we know it today, atom--the invisible makeup of the entire physical universe.

    One of the most famous ancient hominin fossils ever discovered was an Australopithecus afarensis that they named Lucy; supposedly after the song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.  It was found at Hadar.  Hadar is also the name of a star in the Centaurus constellation, being one of the two pointer stars directed at the Southern Cross.  So here, in the name of the location, we are given reference to the heavens above.  The centaur of Centaurus is even represented in the song as "rocking horse people".

    The discoverer of the Australopithecus afarensis' name was Maurice, a name of Latin origin meaning "dark-skinned".  This name carries over into another famous story of a chimpanzee named Lucy whose foster parents were named Maurice and Jane.  The name Jane is derived from the Hebraic Yochanan which translates as "Yahweh is merciful".  We see this name also involved with apes in Jane Goodall and in the story of Tarzan--Tarzan, in the novel's fictional Mangani ape language, means "white skin".  In Tarzan's tale, it is Jane who civilizes the ape man.  So we have the dark skin, the white skin, and the female civilizer, bringing higher intellect to the animalistic ancestor.  She, just as Venus, brings light through love.

    Lucy, the chimpanzee, was used for an experiment in which Maurice and Jane wanted to learn the results of treating the ape as a human.  The experiment was less than successful, to say the least.  Although Lucy did show various human qualities such as a penchant for alcohol and raunchy magazines, she still was tethered to the degree of animal mentality.  

    Lucy's caretaker was named Janis, another play on Jane.  However, mythologically, Janus was an ancient Roman god, as in the month January.  He had two faces, one facing the past, one facing the future.  This is very appropriate symbolically in the story of evolution from ape to human.  One thing of which Janus was god over was transitions and this in deed is the depiction of quite the transition--a transition of mind and spirit out of the primal swamps of the wilds.


    The alphabet can be sung to the tune of 'Twinkle Little Star'.  Why would this be?  As I mentioned earlier, the alphabet is a spell and when casting a spell one appeals to the stars or the morning star in particular.  "Like a diamond in the sky".  The diamonds in 'Lucy in the sky with Diamonds' are stars and the girl with kaleidoscope eyes is Venus.  The third Major Arcana card in the Tarot is the Empress.  She depicts Venus.  There is a river running behind her that one may picture oneself in a boat upon.  Some variations of the card give colorations of the background graphics which depicts a marmalade-colored sky.  There are trees in the background, not necessarily tangerine trees; however, one may take artistic license, especially as the Empress card embodies abundance. 

    John Lennon too has a Jane in his story, yet she is named Jayne Mansfield (a known member of the Church of Satan) and the encounter was not one of romantic retelling, for it resulted in Lennon urinating in her drink after she attempted seducing him.  Paul McCartney was engaged to Jane Asher, yet their relationship ended in 1968, so there seems to be an inverting of the Jane archetype in the Beatles symbolism. 

    There is much Occultic darkness in the Beatles hidden meanings, in fact, as well as possible MK-ULTRA.  Never mind the sinister 'Paul is dead' deception.  Diamonds represent mind control and are often used as an activation trigger for mind controlled sleepers.  You'll notice diamonds surrounding the imagery of many Hollywood monarch programming victims.  The opening verse of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' sounds very much in pace, tone, and cadence as hypnosis, a deranged, sadistic MI6 doctor leading one into trance.

    'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds', words with a Gematria value of 311 (very numerologically significant), although John Lennon adamantly denied it, is abbreviated to LSD.  This drug is a powerful psychedelic that opens portals in the mind and awakens the third eye, aiding higher consciousness.  In the 2014 movie, Lucy, the main character is drugged with an extremely potent nootropic that evolves her mind away from human consciousness and more into the realm of A.I.  She can transcend time and even visits the famous Australopithecus afarensis earlier noted.  She loses human emotions and feelings, becoming consumed by a black goo that integrates with all forms of technology.  This storyline draws us through the name Lucy (light) from the heart of Africa (the "dark" continent) to the evolution of humanity and into the realm of transhumanism; the supposed next step in our ascension to the stars, just as NASA's space probe, Lucy, launched in 2021. 

    Morgan Freeman plays the professor in this movie.  Another role Morgan Freeman famously played was in the Batman series, as Lucius Fox.  Lucius, as one may notice, is a play on Lucifer.  Fox is the only word in the English language that can be created through Gematria from the three sixes of the alphabet.  The Dark Knight Rises.  The knight is the templar.  The darkness is the opposing force of light.  In this darkness, the bat reigns supreme.  The Jane of Gotham is Jane Doe, a criminally insane shapeshifter, much like Lucy in the 2014 film who loses her sanity and humanity to the supercomputer--no Jane in this script; no merciful Yahweh aiding the transition. 

    The river of the Empress, Venus, flows throughout popular culture, bringing with it the spell.  Lucy prints her name in bold lettering across our daily lives, although completely without notice--a mere glimmer in the night's sky through light pollution of our false luminescence of modernity.  Yet she is there leading and oft times misleading us into trance of her kaleidoscopic eyes, out of the jungles and into the machine.  That, after all, is the game of the name....